Article Writing For Internet Marketing

Article Marketing


Article marketing is a sub-section of internet marketing that can greatly increase the number of visitors to your website, but unfortunately, getting started with it can be a bit overwhelming.


Article marketing really isn’t all that difficult, so if you’re serious about utilizing this form of internet marketing, the following steps should point you in the right direction:



1 – The very first thing you need to understand is that article marketing has various objectives. The top three of which are:-


  • To generate keyword driven content that relates to your niche.
  • To create a link back to your website that search engines and potential visitors can follow.
  • To get your name out there as an authority on whatever subject you are trying to promote.


All three of these objectives are important and should be considered when writing an internet marketing article.


2 – Internet marketing articles can range significantly in word count, but readers tend to prefer articles that are between 450 and 750 words. Your article should use friendly and easy to read language, small paragraphs and headers to break up the text whenever possible.


3 – Your article should focus on a topic relating to your website, and it must primarily be written to inform your readers. If your readers feel like you know what you are talking about, they’ll click on the link to your website to get more information on the topic.


4 – If you really do understand your niche or product, writing about it shouldn’t be difficult. If you’re not sure where to begin, visit online article syndication websites to get a feel for what is already available online, get some inspiration and then proceed from there. If you still need assistance, consider contacting a professional copywriter to help you put your article marketing content together. Article marketing is such a vital part of attracting visitors to your websites that you really need to get it right.


5 – Once your article is written, make sure it includes a call to action that invites readers to visit your website for more information. This will be at the bottom of your article, and should include a link to your website.


When your article is submitted to article directories, it will allow people searching for information on your topic to find the information you are providing. If they are impressed with your level of expertise, they will follow your link back to your website for more information.


Article marketing is an excellent way to build traffic to your website whilst, at the same time, provide valuable links to help build page ranking in search engines like Google.  At the same time you’ll be building your reputation as an authority on the subject that you’ve chosen to become an expert in.


If you’re not already utilizing article marketing for your website, you could be missing out on traffic that simply doesn’t know how or where to find you.

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