
Here we are! My first post (on this blog, anyway!)

Hopefully, you’ve read the “About” bit of the site (because that’s the first thing you generally see when you get here) and have an idea of what I’m trying to accomplish.

The fact is, I’ve been a small business owner for most of my life. But now I’ve retired and supplement my pension with online income.

It’s suddenly dawned on me that there are many folks my age who are in a similar situation, but who don’t know how to start making a supplementary income from the internet.

Unfortunately, there’s no end of gobbledegook & just plain BS out there from people who are just trying to empty your wallet with claims of untold wealth, fast cars, and wonderful mansions – all at the touch of a button.

The truth is, it takes work – just like anything worth having.

But it needn’t be a lot of work – the truth is, once you’ve done the groundwork, the rest is easy!

So what you won’t get here is:

  • some spotty youth pretending to be worldly-wise
  • hyped up sales pages
  • pushy sales tactics for products that haven’t even been tried in the real world
  • “techie” language that no one really understands

That said, I’m not claiming everything on this site will be produced by me, but it will have been tried out in a real business before I tell you about it.

Anyway, enough of that. Click on the headings in the categories list to the right for posts that should give you an introduction to internet marketing for real people. 

Or just scroll down until you see something that sparks your interest.