Putting Internet Marketing Principals Into Action

Internet marketing



Many companies send their clients and prospects unsolicited e-mails (or spam), but companies that advertise through these methods are not following the internet marketing principals that would best market their products.  One of the largest complaints that people have about the Internet is spam, and because of this, they ignore anything that looks even remotely like junk mail.

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Get The Visitors You Want: It’s Easier Than You Think!

Branding for visitorsThe key to getting the visitors you want for any business – online or offline – is really quite simple: branding.


Branding has been a marketing buzzword for a very long time. It’s caused multi-national companies to redesign their logos, create spiffy new letterheads, mission statements, rewritten mission statements, and even theme songs, and an endless stream of focus groups to guide the process. And it’s not just the huge multi-nationals that do this…

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Three Search Engine Optimization Rules You Need To Take Seriously

search engine optimization rulesSearch engine optimization is a much hyped, but important element of modern Internet marketing, but just what are the search engine optimization rules?


It’s not quite as simple as saying “do this” and “don’t do that”, as every website will benefit differently from different SEO approaches. Perhaps the only real search engine optimization rule is: you have to do it – as there are some elements of SEO that are essential for your site.

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